ATTN: Women Entrepreneurs Who are Ready to Make More Income by Making a Difference!
(Yes… you Awesome Women who Help So Many People! (Nurses, Coaches, Healers, Doctors, Massage Therapists, Yoga Teachers, Aromatherapists, Wellness Professionals, etc… and oh!…you Wonderful Men in this genre too!)
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If you have a practice, business, or organization ….and whether you are ‘seasoned’ in your biz or just getting started, you need to have a tailored marketing plan that fits YOU and YOUR Industry – and one that uses the best of the internet allowing you to reach more of your ‘ideal’ prospects easily and in less time. I will be giving you exactly what you need to have the online presence that will position you as the ‘expert’ that you are and help you get the fees you deserve, and that will make you stand out from other people who do what you do! You will be able to implement what you learn RIGHT AWAY – and even if you don’t have a website!!
Ladies – Its Time to RISE!
Rise Definition – increase in influence, rank, power, and fortune
‘appear above the horizon’
From: Marilee Tolen RN
Your Marketing Mentor and Lifestyle Coach
New Jersey, USA
Dear Esteemed Colleagues:
(who are “Enlightened Evolving Entrepreneurs” who want to:
––serve more people, ––have a greater impact, ––make more money, and ––enjoy better self-care),
I want to share something with you.
A wildly successful practice, business, or program using online marketing strategies is easier than you think!
In fact, staying connected to your purpose and passion in helping others can easily and authentically be communicated online.
By learning how to put systems in place to “Share Your Care”, you can touch endless numbers of people with your work and get rewarded beyond what you can even imagine – monetarily and fulfillment in so many ways.
People are reaching out more than ever now (because its so easy to do online) to learn ways to empower themselves and improve their life in some way.
They are searching like CRAZY for resources, professionals, practitioners, programs, tools, tips, products, etc…to help them SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS and overcome their challenges. No longer do they go to the “authorities” they used to go to for help. They do their research. They gather data. They become involved and want to be empowered and in control of their life.
They look for experts LIKE YOU – who know their specialized difficulty, maybe even first hand, and who can help with effective therapies, programs, products, coaching, healing, etc…that can improve their health, their work, their relationships, or their life.
They might be looking for…
And I know that YOU HAVE THE SOLUTIONS for these people!!!
{and that is WHY I’m offering this 3 Day LIVE Event!}
I feel so badly (if I can bring myself in here for a minute…) because I know so many of you, and I hear you say things like:
“I can’t get enough clients to sustain my practice (or business)”
“I LOVE what I do but I have to work at this ‘other job’ because my real work doesn’t pay the bills”
“Maybe I’ll carry out my ‘life’s purpose’ when I retire”
“I can help so many people with what I do but they are just not coming to me”
“I try to get my work into hospitals but I can’t get my foot in the door”
“We can’t get enough people in our educational program to sustain and grow it, yet we know there are people out there who are interested”
And there are so many other stories like this!
These stories CAN turn around – 100%! with a little know-how, training, tools, and resources!
I see this over and over…
And some are ready to ‘throw in the towel’ and give up your life’s dream because you know its not going to change on its own, and despite all your efforts – the same thing continues to happen.
Well, let’s talk about your efforts – sometimes its about WHAT you do, not how HARD you are WORKING.
It’s Really Not Your Fault!
Its only because you haven’t be given the tools to learn how to effectively market and get where you want to go!
Please, don’t feel like you should know how to do something that you were not trained to do.
OK – here is a silly example but this is what I say to the nurses that I work with . . .
. . .”okay Ms. Nurse – how is it that you know how to change an IV bag?” Because you have been trained to do so!! Would you expect yourself to know how to do it if you were never trained? Probably not! So why would you, or anyone else (in independent practice), think that they should know how to market and get new clients and business if they have never been trained?
You have been TRAINED IN YOUR SKILL as a professional – and that is why you know it and do it so well! Unless you have been trained in marketing (and I’m talking about the ‘online model’) then how could you expect to know what to do?
But for SOME STRANGE REASON you think you should know how to do it!
It’s okay if you don’t know – its not your fault! You haven’t been trained, but….
Now is your Opportunity!!!
OMG – when I hear the word opportunity I so think of YOU!! there is awesome opportunity out there for each and every one of you to have the business or practice of your dreams. There ARE SO MANY PEOPLE WHO NEED YOU and want what you have to offer. YOU JUST NEED SOME TRAINING on how to get in front of them and put them in your ‘funnel’ so they can become your prospects – then your clients and customers – and start paying you the fees you deserve!
Whether you are an independent professional or an organization – there is huge opportunity for your practice, business or program to grow but you need to learn what to do to get in front of those people who want what you have and will pay you for it.
(I know what you are thinking……..”yes Marilee, I AM interested, but I am not technologically inclined and the internet to me is so overwhelming, I just want to do my work and be with my clients…..I’m more into ‘touch’ not ‘tech'” )
…Because there was a time when my head was spinning with all this internet marketing stuff!
And it took me years! and literally thousands and thousands of dollars…
Ten years ago all I wanted to do was to get my message out to the world and I wanted to learn more about this ‘internet thing’ (About that time only 55% of the US Population was using the internet – but I believed it was going to GROW!) so I could share my Natural Health Tips and the products and resources that I believed in and used with my private clients. I wanted to help empower people with information for their health and wellness options.
Even though I hired the Big Guns and Gurus and paid alot of money (my first teacher and coach was $54,000 for his program) I felt like a ‘fish out of water’ – a little nurse healer swimming in a giant male dominated geek ocean and I didn’t know what the heck I was doing for the longest time. I had to learn a new language and then find a way to translate it into my own work because there wasn’t anyone that I knew of in my industry who was sharing holistic health info online other than Dr. Mercola (He and I used to have phone conversations and share emails – mostly about health, not what we were doing with online marketing).
My wonderful male geek teachers really didn’t understand what I was doing or offering (btw – I LOVE men who are geeky so I’m not knocking them, just demonstrating the extreme differences between me and them!) and they thought it was all “woo-woo” (little did they know my woo-woo stuff would be taking the internet by storm 10 years later).
Back then Internet Marketing was taught ‘piece meal’ to the non-geek industries (me), and it was really tough to put it all together – but my commitment and determination persevered and I kept plugging along. (Yes many of you have been following me for about 8 – 10 years and this is what it was like for me back then! But I was putting out that newsletter every week!! I’ll be talking about the importance of that at the event!)
So I KNOW what its like to get stuck trying to move a dream forward and help more people but not being sure WHAT to do online, HOW to do it, and how to get PAID WHAT YOU DESERVE for your work! (btw – with online marketing strategies you can easily ‘influence and determine the value of your work’ and THAT ALONE can be the basis on how you can get paid what you are worth!)
I’ve definitely had times of working WAY TOO HARD and having my life out of balance!
And it really hit home when I had a hard time implementing my own self care routines that I was touting.
I was trying to do it all by myself – putting the pieces together and not having a ‘system’.
I’m serving more people and touching more lives through my work online than I could have ever imagined!
Because I know how to ‘automate’ my businesses while still making it so people feel like they know me (through video, email marketing, and social media), my relationship-based network marketing business has grown remarkably (Yay Young Living!)
I’ve been able to operate the different aspects of my business that I love – such as seeing one-on-one clients in my coaching work and as a Holistic Nurse – and I can spend quality time with them – because of how I leverage myself.
I’ve taught hundreds of professionals internet and online marketing through live weekend workshops, teleseminar and webinar trainings.
I am so fulfilled because I am living my purpose, helping thousands of people, and prospering from it in many ways.
I am independent, empowered, and free to live the lifestyle I want. I work from home and do Live Events when I want to connect with people in person. I eat my healthy food, and take care of myself the way I need to, and I can spend quality time with my loved ones and canine kids.
And my 6 figure income is growing bigger and faster – which will only empower me to help more people while embracing the lifestyle that was only once a dream.
You see, it all fell into place when I started to implement systems with my Education Based Marketing Model that is ‘people focused, non-salesy, and utilizes proven online strategies to and put the systems in place. And when systems are in place we can reach new heights and serve on a much larger scale and we can PLAY A BIGGER GAME.
I want this for you too – and I believe you can have it – otherwise I wouldn’t be even having this event!
So let me tell you a little about one of the ‘models’ I will be sharing at this Live Event:
This is one of the most powerful and effective ways to market yourself and build your businesses and practices rapidly, and not be ‘sales-y’. Professionals in the health and related industries LOVE THIS – because they ‘don’t sell’! This approach can easily be done online with the strategies that you will learn at the workshop.
People focused and non-salesy – utilizes proven online strategies to get more clients, help you make the money you deserve and a lifestyle that provides you with time and resources for your self care and balanced living
EDUCATION BASED MARKETING IS THE MOST PROFESSIONAL MARKETING MODEL for the health and wellness business and other service providers who just don’t want to appear ‘sales-y’.
(pssst…speaking of models – don’t forget to read about the REAL MODELS who will be joining us on Monday night after Day One of the event!)
So…you may be wondering WHY LEARN FROM ME?
…and share my challenging road with you regarding MY PURPOSE (which ultimately has to do with YOU!)…
First off. . .
I can remember the days when I use to type on a typewriter. I specifically remember typing my Resume for my work as a Nurse Educator and I consistently had this listed as my ‘OBJECTIVE’…
OBJECTIVE: To share information about health and healing options so people can be more in control of their own health.
Through all of my years as an ‘EntrepreNURSE’ {my term for my ‘entrepreneurial spirit as a nurse!} whether it was my Clinical Work in Intensive Care, or through my Board Certifications as a Holistic Nurse, my private practice in Energy Medicine and Aromatherapy, or operating my physician staffed Wellness Center – that ‘objective’ was always with me!! It has been my purpose!
Enter the Era of the Internet
But something started to happen. My many colleagues, cohorts, and friends started asking me what I was doing and how I was doing it.
I started to answer requests to speak at conferences and live events.
I noticed a trend in my industry among independent (or independent wanna-bes) health and healing experts – nurses, healers, coaches, aromatherapists, body workers, etc. I noticed that they, too, want to ‘Share their Care’ online and create several income streams with their knowledge and expertise.
I was pulled in the direction of teaching online marketing to ‘fulfill the need’ I saw (like any good nurse would do!)
Suddenly I was caught in a dilemma…”Which way should I go with my work? Stay in my own nursing practice and only use my marketing expertise for myself? Or share and teach what I know about marketing to other people in my industry – so THEY can get THEIR work out there?”
“Oh geez! I’m being called to do ‘this work’ over here…. but I’m very passionate about, and have a full history of doing ‘that work’ over there!!!”
(I know many of you can relate to ‘not being able to choose what part of your work to offer because you love so many things and so many groups of people!… and btw – I’m really good at helping people with this! There is a certain formula that I use to help people break those blocks, make those decisions, and catapult forward).
So this is what I did with my dilemma – and its the best thing to do to get out of ‘being stuck’ … I took a BIG STEP BACK and re-visited my purpose – and I remembered my Objective: To share information about health and healing options so people can be more in control of their own health. And I had an ah-ha moment!
It became clear to me that if I trained and coached other professionals in my industry the same marketing strategies and techniques that I do – and the mindset and ‘independent lifestyle that I have…..then I could stay true to my ‘objective’ (purpose) and go well beyond my own capacity to help people.
In other words – my impact would be much greater than just doing it for myself.
And if I can help them put strategies in place so they can get PAID WHAT THEY ARE WORTH – then that is the icing on the cake!
And this my friends IS MY PURPOSE – to help YOU get YOUR MESSAGES and WORK out in the world.
This is what fuels me everyday – to help YOU discover your true passion around the work you do, to package it, market it, and make great money from it ALL THE WHILE helping more and more people.
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E. Joan Barice, MD, MPH
I’ve got lots of good information to share, but needed help sharing with a wider audience and getting myself out there. I knew the internet might be helpful but it was an unknown, a mystery, to me. That is, until I took your Introduction to Internet Marketing Course. The course opened up a whole new world of internet marketing. It broadened my perspective, and I’ll never be the same again! I heard this analogy once, but don’t remember the source: it was like going from viewing one’s world as the inside an airplane cabin to viewing it as the universe!”Thank you for a wonderful and worthwhile course. I have practiced internal, preventive, and addiction medicine for over 30 years. I am well trained and credentialed in conventional medicine, and have a special interest and expertise in integrative medicine including use of essential oils and acupuncture. Because of a serious back problem, I was out of commission for awhile and now that I’m back I must choose carefully what I spend my time on. As a physician my goal is to empower people to be as healthy as they can as naturally as possible.
The course was just the thing I needed! You shared exactly what I needed to know, but didn’t know where to start. You made it fascinating, fun, easy, understandable and it was filled to the brim with valuable, useful information. More than I could possibly apply at once, but best of all, available to review again anytime I wanted to in the future, as well as an invitation to attend future classes without charge. And plenty to whet the appetite for more. You generously shared your knowledge – you are a great teacher! Thanks for being accessible during the course – you were a big help to me. The interaction with the class was also a plus. You brought in terrific experts we needed to know about and learn from. Now I have an internet presence, and the tools I need to grow in internet marketing in the future. Marilee, thank you so much for offering this course. I’m so glad I took it, and I highly recommend it to others.”[/dropshadowbox]
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Jeanie White RN, CHTP, HTI, Philadelphia, PA, Holistic Nurse
“I just thought the internet marketing class that Marilee presented was fabulous! It was so professional, a virtual wealth of information. I’m just really happy that I took it and I will be implementing the information over time. I think Marilee was generous with her information and we get to repeat it if we want – I just thought it was wonderful “
The material that I’ll be sharing at this event will be delivered to you from a BIG PURPOSE inside of me … There is a BIG PICTURE here!
Cathy Gins, Founder New York City Aromawear Aromatherapy Jewelry
“I think this program is fantastic. I recommend it to anyone who is wanting to make their presence known on the internet and also wanting to monetize their great ideas”[/dropshadowbox][dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”400px” height=”” background_color=”#f3e7ee” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Maria Borghese, Young Living Distributor Connecticut
Marilee, it’s only since I’ve actually finished your course and have gone on to use some of those listed | resources to get more training that I really understand and appreciate how broad an overview you gave us in your introductory course and how all the key pieces were there. Internet marketing, a world that was totally unfamiliar to me, is now not only understandable but exciting and full of potential. So thanks, Marilee, for a fabulous opportunity and experience![/dropshadowbox][dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”400px” height=”AUTOpx” background_color=”#f3e7ee” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]
Diane Fashinpaur, MSN, CRNP, Family Nurse Practitioner, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner
“As a long-time nurse, marketing and selling are territories that have been quite foreign to me and I have always felt I “couldn’t sell my way out of a paper bag.” Internet marketing wasn’t even a consideration. However, Marilee’s course with its introduction to a variety of internet marketing concepts, tools, and extremely knowledgeable marketing resource experts have shown me that, yes, even I can do this with some commitment and belief in my potential marketing capability. Marilee is generous with her support, information sharing, and cheerleading which many of us in the “caring fields” greatly need in order to believe that what we have to share with the public is valuable. Thanks, Marilee, for increasing this awareness within me.”
[/dropshadowbox][dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”400px” height=”AUTOpx” background_color=”#f3e7ee” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Many thanks to Marilee Tolen for the wonderful course on internet marketing which was a fantastic exposure to a myriad of possibilities for an internet presence. Marilee generously shared her knowledge that she had acquired over time, in an easy to follow course. By ringing in guests who were specialists in certain aspects of the internet, she enabled us to access more in-depth knowledge.These classes covered the basics of what we needed to begin and get our feet wet while learning. I used to marvel at the ease with which my children and grandchildren would tackle the internet with their facebooks and blogs; I had no idea what they were doing. However, our homework assignments helped me to overcome my “internet intimidation” and to increase my self confidence. I am grateful that this course has opened new possibilities for me to market my ideas and modalities in the future. I recommend it highly.
Joanne Kopera, RN, BSN, CHTP[/dropshadowbox][dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”400px” height=”AUTOpx” background_color=”#f3e7ee” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]”I greatly enjoyed and even more greatly benefited by taking a tele-course with Marilee. I had never before taken a tele-course and it was very easy to do. It was much easier to fit it into my schedule as I am already working full time, going to graduate school, and have family responsibilities. It was wonderful to have verbal contact with the instructor, as well as to hear and be able to interact with the other students and gain from their comments and questions. The material presented was exactly what I needed for developing my ideas and for practical application for developing an online business. Marilee has also developed online printed materials that are essential in the development of your business. I had been thinking about an online holistic business for about two years. I’ve been reading everything I could find about developing online businesses and about holistic nursing and alternative health care. I had been trying to find my way in online business development and putting pieces together as I found them, however, Marilee’s tele-course and materials really put everything together for me, as well as providing some available resources that I could choose to use. I have used some referrals already and intend to use more of the available resources that Marilee taught about. Marilee has greatly shared her expertise and her experience to give a roadmap to developing my own business. She is a great teacher and has much to offer anyone from someone who simply has an idea they have been thinking about for a long time to someone who already has an on line business.”
Phyllis Lauer, MS, RN, APRN-BC[/dropshadowbox][dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”400px” height=”AUTOpx” background_color=”#f3e7ee” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]
“I am so excited after finishing the Intro to Internet Marketing course with Marilee I do not have a website, I am a holistic practitioner, I am a humorist and a clown so I have lots of interests, lots of talent and creativity but I never really knew what to do with it on the internet and with Marilee’s help I was able to start up a blog – it was surprising to find out how easy it was – and all of a sudden everything started unraveling in front of me so quickly, I found that simply writing articles or writing a booklet can get me going. I am very grateful to Marilee – thank you so much – I was able to be at home with my children during all these calls and I was amazed at the amount of information that we had – it was a little overwhelming at first because I don’t know a lot of the language at first and I wasn’t sure how to plug myself in but we had an opportunity to listen to some of the calls and go back over them even if I wasn’t present – thanks so much Marilee – my hat tips off to you – Woo – Hoo!”
Donna Laino, RN, Philadelphia, PA, Holistic School Nurse, Humorist
The course opens the mind to the unlimited possibilities of the internet for communication. Just a small piece of information in my head can be picked up by someone on the other side of the world. That’s mind blowing really.
Thank you once again Marilee. I’m really looking forward to your mentoring programme to take me to another level of ‘putting myself out there’.
Christine Cufone – South Australia[/dropshadowbox]
Marilee Tolen has given me the tools and information to be able to set up my own business at my own pace. She has done her homework on all of this and now can share what she knows with others. As a senior citizen, this whole venture into this cyberspace realm is a steep learning curve for me. My curiosity got the best of me and I was interested in what Marilee was doing. The experts that she gathered were indeed expert at what they do and presented their material in a professional manner. I thank her for her true passion to bring what she has learned to others in a way that is affordable, informative and inspirational. For me, she has broadened my horizons and made a difference in my life. Thank you Marilee. ”
Claramae Weber, RN HN-BC, Certified Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry Practitioner and Instructor, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist; I am on the faculty of The Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy; I teach Aromatherapy and Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry classes.[/dropshadowbox][dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”400px” height=”AUTOpx” background_color=”#f3e7ee” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]
“Your Intro to Internet Marketing was an absolute gift to everybody. I am so excited about the things that I’ve learned and I thank you profusely from the bottom of my heart”
Teena Johnson, Dallas, TX
[/dropshadowbox][dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”400px” height=”AUTOpx” background_color=”#f3e7ee” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd”]Thanks Marilee! So much is going on … and I think the fuel from your class supported the process!!
I’m writing a series of seven articles on the chakras for a local magazine. I’m teaching a series of seven monthly classes on the chakras at a local book store. I have a new corporate client who is paying me to come to his office to treat his staff. I’m also teaching mind/body classes to his staff at lunch time. And … I’ve just had the three best months at my private practice ever! Interestingly, I have no time to blog etc … but I’m happy and things are going well.
Somewhere along the way, I asked you a question and you said … ‘seems you’re at the building a practice stage.’ That was so helpful. I took brilliant notes and will use that in my next phase. In the mean time, this stage is flourishing. Thanks for getting me into writing again … and giving me the keys for when I’m ready to move on!
Cherry-Lee Ward, M.Ed., Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, Shamanic Healer, Holistic Health and Wellness Educator[/dropshadowbox][dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”400px” height=”AUTOpx” background_color=”#f3e7ee” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]“Taking Marilee’s class has been inspirational to me, I have learned so many new ways to express myself both creatively and professionally. Here is one example – we all learned how to set up a blog in the first class – and since I don’t have a website yet I use my blog to list my workshops and articles along with my weekly postings on health and wellness. Now I have an ongoing way to show people who I am, how I think and what I can offer them. I’ve gotten great feedback on the content of my writing and I’ve been encouraged to create a workshop on some of my blog postings – how cool is that? I will admit before I took Marilee’s class I was struggling with how I would do all the things Marilee suggested that were possible and that she herself has done. I did a little research but I couldn’t put it together on my own. Marilee’s class really has shown me how to turn my dream into a reality!
Nina Lockwood, MSW, CHTP, New York State, Energy Healer / Therapist / Artist / Writer, Natural Healing Energy
[/dropshadowbox][dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”400px” height=”AUTOpx” background_color=”#f3e7ee” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]“This course was mind-blowing!There was so much great information It just opened up a whole new world to me that I didn’t know was available to me! As a holistic practitioner I shied away from technology, I thought that was for the geeks and the wiz kids, this course really taught me that it is not so scary after all. . . I learned I can in fact do it myself and it is going to help me spread the word about my work. I’ve been blogging since the first class which is really exciting, I’m working on writing some articles and press releases, and eventually I think I’m going to learn everything in the class.
It has been a great experience and to be able to do it sitting at home in my study with my little dog in my lap – it just doesn’t get much better than that – and having the calls available afterwards was a huge help too because I found the calls were so jammed packed with information I just wanted to listen to it again. Thanks again Marilee for making this information available – especially for those of us in the holistic community who never thought we could use the internet in these many ways.
Darby Mackenzie Line, BA, MAJ, CMT, Young Living Distributor[/dropshadowbox][dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”400px” height=”AUTOpx” background_color=”#f3e7ee” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]
I have spent thousands of dollars learning, or trying to learn, how this business of information marketing works. I have been face to face with experts and highly successful internet marketers. But your course was the best. What made it unique from my experience was that it was really directed towards people who generally do not have a background in self-promotion. In fact, those of us from a healthcare background struggle with ethics and legally on top of the whole complex field of marketing and using the new technologies to our advantage. You had a team of experts which were top notch but you and the other participants made it really happen because of the profoundness of your questions. These questions became the “translator” from the wonderful world of high tech to the world of a healer. And, the approach with the topics was systematic. In addition, your speakers recognized that one cannot just leap in at the top of the mountain and outlined the beginning steps. Marilee, your teaching, as usual, is excellent and you have tapped a niche that needs you! I would encourage any healers wanting to stretch into information marketing to absolutely take your course first! Many thanks,
Maggie Burgisser, RDH, MAA, CC, CFSP
Voorhees, NJ
Healthy Images, LLC[/dropshadowbox]
Nothing like being Face to Face…
I’ve worked with dozens of other people who are doing wonderful work in the Health and Wellness Industry, and even in other service businesses, like…
….and while I LOVE teaching from the comfort of my home (such as in teleseminars, webinars, my interview show, videos) I also know that there is NOTHING LIKE THE ENERGY OF BEING FACE TO FACE with people. And even for myself when I go to live events, I come home so well equipped to take my business to the next level with new friends, tools, techniques, ideas, and a plan in place that helps me get to where I want to go.
So, because of this, I decided to consolidate and put together all of my Success Systems, Practices, Formulas, Step by Steps…and even mindset and lifestyle thingys (which are really important!) and make it all available in 3 compact days – and in an environment for learning implementation, and fun!!
So…………drum roll please!!!
The RISE Event is a 3 day In Person workshop that will inspire, educate, motivate, train, and walk you through a process that will help you:
If you want the Lifestyle you Choose and the Business of Your Dreams by Helping More People, Making More Money, Creating More Time…….then you need to do things in a Certain Way. That’s what you will learn in the workshop. In just three days you will learn:
Overcome belief systems that are blocking you to make the money you deserve
Learn the startling history behind why women typically undercharge for their services and take that ‘coding’ out of your mindset immediately!
Get a quick mini ‘quantum physics’ lesson to really understand how everything is ‘energy’ including money! And how to work with energy to manifest more of it!
Watch a demonstration of how the Law of Attraction really works – and see the mechanism behind it so you can learn to control it and make things really happen
Learn the definition of money and why money exists simply to be created!
This Mindset Module is a critical part of the foundation on which you build, or re-build, your business!
Anatomy chart of your energy system identifying what parts you want to activate on a daily basis to create the money that you want and deserve! A Goal Creation Process Using Affirmations and Energy Anatomy ( that I use and its powerful!)
[FYI – Marilee’s Thesis was written on the Energy of Money in 1996 – so you will be getting her goodies on this topic that she has been using and speaking on for years!]
How to identify your true purpose (using Energy Anatomy!) so you can be crystal clear about what you are going to offer and how you can make the best money
How your purpose can fuel your passion and how that can lead you easily into discovering the products that you want to offer
How to figure out what to do if you have so many things you are passionate about (multi-passionate) and how to decide how to offer your work without eliminating all that you love to do
How to take your purpose, passion, and creative self and use it to discover your true brand
Discover who you want to work with, who you should work with, and why
How to identify your target market and why you can’t approach your online marketing with “I’ll work with anyone”
How to get in front of the people who need what you offer – and will pay!
Building a list is the most critical element of your online marketing
Which systems and software I use for list building
How you can be creative and have fun with getting people on your list
Having a website does not mean that you are set up for marketing! There are a few critical things you need to do with your website to make it a magnet for your ideal prospects. They are not easy to identify without a trained eye – and once you see them you will have your ‘ah-ha’s’ and always perceive that way in the future.
In this section you will know exactly what you need to do to either make the changes yourself or tell your virtual team what to do.
You will learn what to look for in a web designer and how you can’t be sure they know internet marketing strategies
You will also learn:
Simple template for a most successful website!
What you need to keep your machine hummin’…
Learn the tools and how to use them (most are very low tech)…
for teleseminars, webinars, shopping carts, database management
AND learn about the people who can use them besides you! (your toolbox can consist of a team! Virtual Assistants and others who can help your business!)
Learn how to strategize your communication efforts so it won’t take a ton of your time yet still be effective enough where you can build the ‘know, like, trust’ factor with your list
How you can stay in front of your ‘peeps’ ongoing – and come at them with various media forms to where they say “I see you everywhere!”
How to use the ‘Education Based Marketing Model’ so you can offer your expertise and good solid resources and expertise where folks will be clamoring you to use your services
How to formulate
Email subject lines that get emails opened! Ezine Template – How to Structure your Online Newsletter
Info-Product Mania! … one of the Keys to your Online Expertise
What types of info products are there?
How to decide which one is the best for you to create?
How to figure out what your ‘target market’ wants to learn from your info-products
Learn the many ways you can create income streams around ONE info product!
Info Product Creation “Cheat Sheet”
Amplify your online presence with video and get people to know, like, and trust you almost immediately!
You will learn:
Simple and inexpensive ways to start using video right away
WHY you don’t need to have a ‘perfect video’
What equipment you need, where to get it and how much it costs
How to use video to promote your services
Ways to educate your clients, etc with video
What you can do with your videos and how you can ‘re-purpose’ them
How to fix your makeup, hair, and what to wear for your videos
Working independently and at home can be a blessing and a curse….especially if you get easily distracted and the dishes, laundry, and cats and dogs are tugging at you.
Learn how to schedule yourself so you can still maintain the balanced life that you crave and still get things done.
Self care can go by the wayside when we have our own businesses because we usually don’t ‘clock-out’ like we do at a job. And when our projects come up its easy to get sucked in and immersed and lose sight of our need to continue to eat the right foods, get the right exercise and take healthy breaks that our body needs – especially if we are working with alot of electronics! (like dual screens on our computers!).
In this section you will learn to schedule yourself to keep a balanced life and also important tips on keeping your body, mind, and spirit healthy through all your business building activities.
You’ll also get a quick education on electromagnetic protection at your computer station and why Marilee wears a glove when she works on the computer
Best of Home Spa Lady’s Tips
Marilee’s Top Favorite Smoothie Recipes
Putting the big picture together…how you will take each step in the process and make it work FOR YOU! Scheduling and systematizing and making it work FOR YOU!! This is where we schedule, plan, and launch ….to take you where you want to go – Destination: Success!!
Get ready to be ‘bouncing out of your seat’ with great music – oldies, soft rock, and songs you’ll want to sing along with – and watch an entertaining captivating fashion show with beautiful models you can relate to (and some you might recognize!)
Fashion show included with your RISE Ticket
Want to bring some outside guests just to see the Fashion Show?
It is only$20 for outside attendees – and the Proceeds go to the Fund!
Click Here for Outside Guests to Get Their $20 Admission Ticket
(SHOWTIME! This event will be held in the evening on Day One of the event – Monday evening May 6th)
Here are your two opportunities explained!!
This ticket option gets you full access to three full high-content days of easy online marketing systems, visibility and vitality-boosting secrets, INCLUDING lots of scripts, templates, checklists and step-by-step strategies to begin enjoying the successful and sustainable business that you crave AND admission into a Rockin’ Most Unforgettable Musical Talent Show!
Join an informal gathering in the lounge on Sunday evening for a “Meet and Greet” where you can get a complimentary drink of your choice of either a ‘Tequila SunRISE’ or an alcohol free ‘Ningxia SunRISE’.
We’ll meet between 6 and 8 pm. This will be a good opportunity to network, make valuable contacts, strategic alliances, and to meet like-minded new friends.
(you will have this option upon checkout of General Admission ticket)
Ready for more networking, collaboration opportunities and connections with other amazing VIPs – potential friends, cohorts, and clients? If yes, you’ll want to take advantage of everything the VIP ticket upgrade has to offer:
Your VIP Ticket includes… a BONUS training on Tuesday night: “How to Set Up and Design Packages for Your Coaching/Consulting Programs“ This option will show you how to add a cool $1,000 – $15,000/month to your income!
Here is what we’ll cover in this bonus training where you’ll learn exactly how to add tens of thousands of dollars to your bottom line by setting up, creating, filling and running coaching consulting programs.
You will learn:
**You will purchase your VIP Ticket upon checkout of your General Admission Ticket
May 6, 7, & 8, Mt. Laurel, NJ
Cost is: $597
Plus, You Can Bring a Friend For Just
Why not invite a friend, colleague, member of your team or even your spouse to attend The Rise Event 2013 with you? This way, you can get to travel with someone you know and share this amazing workshop with the people who support you the most (I’ve seen first hand how critical this can be to supporting your success).
NOTE: The Bring a Friend Option is available on the “thank you” page that you will see once you reserve your workshop ticket.
I’m so confident that what you will learn at this workshop will give you what you need to take you to the next level of your work online and RISE that if, at the end of the first day, you feel like I’m not delivering what is promised here on this page, you can choose to turn in all of your materials, leave the event, and ask for a full 100% REFUND.
No questions asked…that is my guarantee!
Your Risk-Free Options….
(all options available when you click the “Register Me Now” Button!)
Pay in Full at $597
(or 3 payments of $232)[/dropshadowbox]
Add VIP Upgrade – Pay in Full Only $197
Limited Time VIP[/dropshadowbox]
So, think about where you are in your work and life right now.
Are you going to let ANOTHER year go by again not turning those dreams into a reality? Isn’t it finally time to get the PLAN for exactly HOW you are going to take your ‘work in the world’ and your life to where you want it?
Are you ready for me to lay out, Step-by-Step, exactly how I regularly enjoy 5-figure months in my business(es) [yes, I have multiple streams – and you can too!] so that you can take the same strategies and tools and do the same thing in your work and life?
I am so ready to share it all with you, and SO excited to do it LIVE and in-person!!!
Let’s do it!
With much Love and Success,
Marilee Tolen RN
Your Marketing Mentor and Lifestyle Coach
P.S. Don’t forget, this purchase comes with ABSOLUTELY NO RISK to you! I fully guarantee it – at the end of the first day of the event, if you don’t think I’ve delivered on everything promised, you can turn in your workbook and receive a prompt refund for the event.
P.P.S. I’m handing over my entire plan–the exact marketing system that I use every day in my own business that keeps it running like a well-oiled machine, my connection with ideal prospects, clients and customers, my diet clean and self care prioritized, and my peace of mind intact! I will share with you EVERYTHING you need to know about healthy perspectives of money, turning your passion into profits, leveraging the Internet, getting clients consistently, and earning an extra $5,000 to $15,000 (or more) per month.
P.P.P.S. Don’t forget–this event is 100% tax-deductible (just check with you accountant), so you have nothing to lose!
[contact-form-7 id=”5401″ title=”Question”] Thank you! Once you send in your question we will contact you PERSONALLY to answer it!
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”400px” height=”AUTOpx” background_color=”#f3e7ee” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]
“When I started my private practice twelve years ago, I advertised in the yellow pages. That’s how people found me. Today, thanks to Marilee’s internet marketing teleclass my web presence is how people find me. My little local practice is no longer limited by geography. I am able to help more people around the globe take the journey to self that Core Energetics is all about. I just googled ‘Core Energetics + New Jersey’ and my site, is the first link on the first page. Amazing! I am on the second page for “Core Energetics.” That’s about a three page jump up since taking her class.
Kate Holt, RN, Marlton, NJ
[/dropshadowbox][dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”400px” height=”AUTOpx” background_color=”#f3e7ee” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]“Marilee’s class really opened me up to a whole new world I didn’t know existed. I really enjoyed the class and in fact I even enjoyed it more the second time around because now I’m working with blogs and websites and I can understand more of what was going on. I think it is really generous of Marilee to allow us to take the class over and over again as my travel business grows I know I will be needing more tools and this wonderful class will help provide me with the latest technology. I highly recommend this class to anyone who wants their business to grow”.
Martha Rather, Tennessee[/dropshadowbox]
Marilee, I was the different one in the group. Most of our class participants were holistic nurses, doctors, YL distributors, and those involved in healing modalities. Although I do practice “hands-on-healing,” and I am a YL distributor, and a Reiki Master, those modalities were not my main focus of wanting to do internet marketing. I have been a corporate trainer for the past 20 years. I want to take the programs I designed for businesses and facilitate those programs for individuals on the internet through what I call teletraining programs. I wasn’t sure Marilee’s program would benefit me, but because I trust her so much, I took her advice and signed up. It was the best thing I could possibly do for my “new career.” The activities and the professional guess were the best I have encountered, and that’s quite a compliment coming from a peer trainer. I will encourage anyone and everyone to sign up for this class!!!!!! Thank you, Marilee. You have a vested interest now in my success!!!
Karen Belyan
Reiki Master[/dropshadowbox]
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”400px” height=”AUTOpx” background_color=”#f3e7ee” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]
Marilee’s Introduction to Internet Marketing teleseminar opened the door to a world that I never knew existed. Because I was so new to this, I really appreciated Marilee’s systematic approach, her informal yet organized way she presented the classes!
Muffy Williams, RN; BS, Upper New York State, Reiki Master, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, Healing Touch for Animals Practitioner[/dropshadowbox]