5 Reasons WHY You Should Set Financial Goals for 2013

Year End = a powerful time for YOU to set the intention for wonderful things, including financial abundance, to come to you in the New Year.  Here are the reasons why you should set goals NOW! 

5 Reasons to Set Financial Goals for 2013

Should We? or Shouldn’t We?
(make financial New Year Resolutions?)


“YES! We should make New Year Resolutions! It’s a perfect time to start fresh!”


“NO! …studies say you won’t keep them and then you feel even worse!”


YES! is for those of you who are consciously evolved and “See” everything as Energy.

5 Reasons…………

1). Money is Energy.

Just like everything in the physical universe, money is an energy. Simply put, energy is potential matter. Those of us who are consciously evolved know that we can influence matter, such as money, to be created, transformed, or destroyed.

When we bring our ‘conscious awareness’ to creating money – such as in ‘making New Year’s resolutions for financial abundance’ – *we are 10x more likely to attain those goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions.

*New Year’s resolvers (sample = 159) and comparable nonresolvers interested in changing a problem later (sample = 123) were followed for six months via telephone interviews. Resolvers reported higher rates of success than nonresolvers; at six months, 46% of the resolvers were continuously successful compared to 4% of the nonresolvers.

Auld Lang Syne: Success predictors, change processes, and self-reported outcomes of New Year’s resolvers and nonresolvers, by John C. Norcross, Marci S. Mrykalo, Matthew D. Blagys , University of Scranton. Journal of  Clinical Psychology, Volume 58, Issue 4 (2002).
John Norcross is a co-author of Changing For Good.

2). That Which We Put Our Attention On Grows.

Without getting too ‘quantum physics-sy’ on you, let me just say that there is a Quantum Theory stating that what we give our attention to grows by ‘collapsing potential energy into matter and causing it to grow’. (String Theory / Stephen Hawking)

A financial goal puts your attention on money – allowing it to grow!

3). Goals give you a Guideline.

A guideline influences a future course of action.
State it – Affirm it – Make it happen!

4). Goals give you something to measure.

How else can you keep score unless you have something to measure or count?

5). Setting and Achieving Goals can help you LOVE YOURSELF!

People don’t set goals because they think they can’t achieve them, so they don’t even try. They lack faith and love in themselves. Setting a financial goal can be a first step in loving yourself. When you are on the road to fulfilling that goal, it enables you to love yourself more.

Bottom line message as you move into 2013…..you have the ability to set and achieve goals – so, YES – do it!

The best way to predict the future is to set your goals and create it!


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