Have you ever ‘multi-task’d’ when it really worked for you? Like you were “in the flow?”
It’s been said “if you ever want something done, ask the busiest person you know!” – because busy people, and multitask’rs get things done.
I think back to when I was in an “intense training mode” to become a Holistic Nurse Healer. I had many irons in the fire – and was accomplishing a lot!
I was ‘multitasking’ and being so productive, I felt like I must have been ‘bi-locating’ to get so much accomplished – here’s what I mean…
In the early 90’s I had all this going on at the same time:
- Sat on the Board of Directors for the American Holistic Nurses Association
- Trained and completed Board Certification in Holistic Nursing
- Trained in the Healing Touch Program to become a Certified Practitioner and Instructor
- Trained in the four year Barbara Brennan Healing Science School
- Co-chaired the Healing Touch Conference
- Coursework in aromatherapy
- Prepping to open my physician staffed Wellness Center
- Hosted small television show in Atlantic City called “Holistic News Update”
- Monthly columnist for local Holistic Magazine
My passion was obviously propelling me, and I was also guided by teachers and mentors who modeled for me the successful woman I wanted to become.
I studied these women. They were nationally and internationally known and I remember thinking to myself “they must be really good at what they do to become so well known and so successful!” I wanted to learn what made them ‘tick’, and what they were doing to advance their work. I figured if I could gather more skills in my field, I, too, could advance my work.
“Where did they learn their skills? How many hours a day did they meditate? Were they vegetarian? How many clients did they see weekly? Did they have professional office space? Or did they work at home?”
These were the questions that would run through my head. I was certain that their successes were related to their skill level and educational background.
But one day I made an astonishing discovery which influenced the course of my entire nursing career.
I realized that my teachers, mentors, and coaches who were famous for their work in the world were also excellent business women! They knew how to ‘package their information’ and market their work – and THAT was the main reason for their level of success. But this was something that was not talked about – in ANY circles.
“Business” and “Marketing” in Health and Healing Circles (and especially nursing!) was something to be kept ‘under the cuff’ and to be ‘hushed’! Until I came along. Oh how I ‘rocked the boat’ at Board meetings and conferences saying “Nurses, healers, and wellness professionals should NOT undercut themselves financially or in any other way!” (We were trained to not think of ourselves and our work from a financial perspective).
We are in an industry where a lot of money flows……….. and most of it goes to things that are the ‘antithesis of healing’. In our professional practices (that use non-invasive, non-toxic, natural modalities), we facilitate and witness true healing occurring in so many of our clients! (What many call miracles – but it’s just aligning with nature and creating circumstances for the body to self-heal.)
With these successes why is it that so many Wellness Professionals are struggling to make a comfortable living, or having a hard time leaving their jobs in mainstream healthcare to branch out on their own?
It’s two things:
1) Mindset
–not having the ‘thinking’ that goes with getting their work out in the world
2) Marketing
–not having an ‘inkling’ on how to go about marketing their work, especially online marketing – where it is all happening
Fast forward to today.
I’ve become an expert in internet / online marketing (having studied it and implemented it successfully for myself the past 11 years). I am helping others in my industry to learn more so that they can become fully empowered to offer their great work in the world and be paid magnificently for it! I would LOVE to help you too.
If you relate to what I’ve shared here, and feel ‘stirred’ inside to begin learning about how YOU can get your fine work out in the world by getting the ‘basics’ of marketing and online marketing – I want you to join my two part Webinar Training that I am offering next week on ‘Online Marketing Basics’.
If you are interested, please note – there is a SIGNIFICANT discount if you decide and act before this Friday (Jan 25th ) at 12 MN EST.
Here is the link for you to go to now (watch my 3 minute video and read the info):
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