I see this all the time in the Natural Health and Wellness Industry….
Wellness Practitioners and Professionals have so many talents, gifts,
healing modalities (they are ‘multi-passionate’) that they don’t know where to begin when they want to bring their work online.
This is how it usually happens for the ‘Multi-Passionate’ Wellness Practitioner……maybe this is you??
It usually starts with seeking out one healing modality, usually for a personal health challenge (vs. taking on a course of study just to learn it).
The success with that one healing modality creates a desire to ‘study’ it, become a practitioner of it, and offer it to help other people with similar problems.
That leads to learning another modality or technique, which is just as captivating as the first with successful results, and then that leads to another, and another, and then suddenly – amazing personal transformation takes place – life is new again! and you want to shout about it from the rooftops !!!
You begin to share what you’ve learned with other people and you see amazing results with them too!
This is an organic process of personal evolution in the natural health and wellness model because once you learn bodywork, for example..a natural next step may be energy work, or essential oils, and then of course ‘nutrition’ comes in….and then movement is important so there is yoga classes………..and on and on……
So here you are ‘Multi-Passionate’,’Multi-Skilled’, ‘Multi-Helping Tons of People’ ….with ‘multiple things’ witnessing “mulitple miracles” but…….what are you really doing with it all?
Does it have a ‘form’ in your professional life? or are you just getting it out there ‘willy nilly’?
Passion should not create ‘being stuck’ in life……but it does among people who are ‘multi-passionate’ with so much to share but no form or structure to make their offerings viable and monetized.
I coach people, practitioners, and professionals in this industry and I see this scenario over and over……and I see very high levels of frustration because there is tremendous passion and great desire to share their gifts and skills but they lack a ‘container’ in which to name it, package it, offer it, and ultimately profit from it.
What adds to this frustration is the new world of online marketing and so many health care practitioners and professionals are used to being ‘face to face’ with their clients and patients…that, with this new model, they REALLY don’t know how to ‘get their stuff out there’.
Well, there is a way to come out of this frustration and honor all the passions and offerings and at the same time package what you have to offer it, market it, and monetize it.
This answer is in the ‘new model’ that has been emerging in online marketing and in finding a proven success system and a coach or program that can take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting you and all your passions packaged and put to market!
There is a caution here too – and that is in being very particular about what who you decide to do your training with…….
Here are some tips for that decision:
–Pick a trainer or coach who is doing exactly what you want to do
–Pick a program or coach who is in your industry
–Pick a program or coach who is successful in doing what you want to do
–Pick a coach who has been in the field – not just someone who just decided
to be a coach with no experience of your industry
–Take advantage of free training opportunities from different programs and
be cautious not to jump in on something without giving it a day or two of
Here is one way to begin to learn about this new emerging model in a very FUN, NO CHARGE and NO RISK way from the comfort of your home….
in the form of a really cool Live-Stream……..better than a webinar!!
FREE Live-stream – Two Part Series – REGISTRATION REQUIRED
Wednesday March 13th / Wednesday April 10th
Re-Ignite Your Passion, Reach More People,and Realize More Money!
with your dreams, skills, expertise, and gifts you have to Share with the World!
Register here for the Live-stream:
Tags: coach, natrual health, Online Marketing, wellness industry, Wellness Practitioners
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