Four Factors that Lead to Long Life (happy AND healthy)

I’ve been reading Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s books we just purchased on public television – they are great!  (I love the recipes – that is why we ordered), and I just came across 4 bullets that are simple and telling as to what factors contribute to a long healthy life.  They are simple but make so much sense – and usually profound things are simple (its just following them that makes it difficult!).

Here are the four factors that contribute to healthy happy centenarians (people living over 100 years old):

1. They consume the majority of calories from fresh produce

2.  They have an optimistic outlooks on life

3. They maintain a social circle of friends

4.  They stay physically active

(extracted from ‘3 Steps to Incredible Health’ by Joel Furhman MD – page 47)







Myself and Dr.  Joel Fuhrman
2012 Longevity Conference
Costa Mesa CA

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