The One BIGGEST Secret Behind Most Successful People

Napoleon Hill
Photo Credit: Wikipedia

The ‘master’ of ‘masterminding’ was Napoleon Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich". He described masterminding as “the coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

Since "Think and Grow Rich" was published in 1937, the idea of mastermind groups has grown and become a household word for individuals seeking success at a high level through the support, unbiased feedback, and encouragement from others.

Masterminding is based on the concept of "two heads are better than one" and that solutions to overcoming obstacles to success are accessible in the group of the ‘mass mind’.

~When two or more minds come together, the result is greater than the sum of its parts~

Having several people focus on how you can actualize your intentions is like
lightning in a bottle!

There are several benefits to being part of a Mastermind group, here are some of them:

–You can be part of a group of like-minded individuals with a similar mission
–Supportive environment that meets on a consistent basis
–A safe environment where confidential information can be shared and feedback received
–You are held accountable when you share your goals, dreams, and aspiration
–You are part of an exclusive community and are on a journey with a group who all want to succeed, even though they may provide differing perspectives
–You can get immediate results with Mastermind groups!

The BIGGEST benefit, in my opinion, is that there is an energy that is created with a group that can catapult each member to their next level.

The BIGGEST SECRET among the successful and wealthy is that of being in a Mastermind Group!

I want to tell you about a Mastermind opportunity that is even MORE POWERFUL than a Mastermind group – because it comes with training and one-on-one coaching!

In just ONE WEEK I am going to launch the first time ever MPower Mastermind Program! and YOU have an opportunity to become a part of it!

(application process – go here to fill out brief application:

The MPower Mastermind Program is a 6 month program that will prepare you to have an amazing 2014 that will be more successful than you have had ever! It will include trainings specific for you to build your businesses or practices so you can get to the next level of your work in the world and get an ‘online’ presence that will work for you and make your ‘off line’ hours more enjoyable!

Along with trainings and group mastermind processes, you will also get one on one coaching sessions with Marilee!

Other goodies:
Private Forum
Password Protected Special Online Access Area
Two monthly calls
Your own Accountability Partner

How to Turn Your Expertise into an Ebook Two Part Training Program

Online Basics Training Two Part Training Program

Two day LIVE and IN-PERSON Retreat

and a Super bonus of Free Full Tuition to 2014 RISE Live Event!!

From Marilee "If something inside of you is urging you to explore this further, then click on this link and fill out the very brief application." We still have a few openings before we start in a little over a week – so act fast!


I’ll look for your application in the next few days!

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