ATTENTION: Healers, Nurses, Doctors, Coaches, and Other Wellness Professionals
From: Marilee Tolen
Your Marketing Mentor, Lifestyle Coach, and Modern Day Healer!
New Jersey, USA
Dear Esteemed Wellness Professional,
For years I’ve heard YOU, my holistic health and healing colleagues / nursing sisters and brothers/ partners in this health and wellness and healing industry, say:
“I love what I do but I can’t make the money I want or need to live the life I want!”
Does this sound like you?
“I would LOVE to build my private practice to a 6-figure income and still live a balanced life, but that would mean I would have to either charge exorbitant rates or work every day – day and night and not have a life – I would end up sacrificing my own self care – and I don’t even know if I can get that many clients because people are holding on to their health care dollars since they don’t know which way health care is going now….yada yada yada. . .
I understand! I get it! This is a meme (widespread belief) and something that is truly experienced!
It’s NOT YOUR FAULT – its been this way for years – but it’s time to change !<
Here is the good news …A New Model is Emerging!!
Here is the trend we’ve been seeing. . .
YOU have an opportunity here, in this Heal and Prosper Program, to easily learn how you can jump into this new model and embrace a specialized, proven, step by step marketing system that can allow you to reach and help more people, make more money, and have more time!
So who am I to be telling you about this new model of health and healing access for people? Who am I to tell you that you can become more prosperous by learning about it and embracing a proven step by step marketing system?
Well first of all – I’m just like you!
I’m a Nurse Healer Board Certified in Holistic Nursing and Nurse Coaching, a Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor, a four year graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing Science, and a Clinical Aromatherapist. I’ve been in private practice for years, have owned my own Wellness Center (Physician staffed), and the only thing that differentiates me from you, most likely, is that I’ve learned how to turn my healing practice and work into a multiple six figure business.
I brought my work online in 2002 and studied marketing and internet marketing so I could reach more people with my healing messages – I didn’t have a ‘make more money’ mentality that the marketing training could offer me – I just saw that the internet, and this new emerging model, could allow us to have a global impact and touch thousands of lives! And I saw how I could still have my in-person clients and integrate my offline and online worlds.
I became a coach to other people in our industry to help them work with this model (they actually sought ME out), and have had great success helping them with their practices and businesses.
I’ve realized that I’m not only passionate about being a big part of ‘advancing our work in the world’, but also that I’m on kind of a ‘Divine Assignment’. You see, I do love my healing work – more than life itself – but this direction to teach this work was given to me and I ‘accepted the assignment’ realizing that I could have a greater impact on more people if I teach my colleagues how to market themselves and become more prosperous.
There’s no fooling here. It IS possible to reach more people and make more money as a health care professional with this system. I really hope you consider taking this program!
Six 75-90 Minute Training WEBINARS LIVE with Marilee and Recordings for your replay pleasure and reinforcement
PRIVATE WEBSITE for the Course and a PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP that will enhance your learning as you go through your step by step process in this program. You have the ‘real feel’ of the group energy and you can get feedback, advice from your ‘classmates’. Great support for in-between webinars.
Two Weeks of Q & A with Marilee in the Private Facebook Forum between Webinar Six and the Q & A Teleseminar (but you have access to each other in the FB Forum during the entire course).
Q & A Call at the completion of the Training WEBINARS for your personal Spot Coaching and Answering Questions to your Individual Real Live Scenario you are experiencing in Healing Work and Private Practices
Action Guide WORKBOOK. This workbook has exercises and worksheets that will help you work through the process and steps that will be covered in the course. You will have many questions that pertain to your practice that you will need to answer. Many of these exercises help you answer those questions and will help you get more clear on who you are, what you are offering, who you are serving, and how they benefit from working with you. This is a workbook that you can return to many times as you evolve your work in the world.
Recommended Resources Rolodex Save hours of time researching and answering difficult questions about the tools and support you need for your work. Have it all at your fingertips with this valuable Resource Rolodex.
Webinar 1: Your Purpose, Passion, & Gifts
HOW to Figure Out WHO You Are, WHAT Do You REALLY Offer? WHO Do You Serve? (especially if you offer so many different things!) and WHY You Need to Be Crystal Clear On All of This Before You Can Help More People and Make More Money! This is especially important for the Wellness Professional who has several modalities that they offer. Learn to get out of the confusion and get clear!
Webinar 2: Your ONLINE Presence
How to make those important decisions about your online presence and find out the best resources to assist you in what you decide. Should you BRAND Yourself? Can You BRAND Yourself in the work you do? Can You Have an Online Presence Without a Website?
HOW to Set Up a Website (Template Given to YOU!) that WORKS for YOU…or…HOW to Create an Online Presence Without a Website (if that is where you are right now!)
Webinar 3: Law of Attraction ONLINE
HOW to Attract People to You Who Need Your Services! Not only will you learn how to use the energetic Universal Law of Attraction – but the technical, on the internet, principles and Law of Attraction, through Strategies and Practices. In marketing talk its called “building your list”. Here is where you will be taught how to ‘capture leads’ (more marketing talk) through your ‘Free Taste’ which you can create for people to ‘sample you and your work’.
Webinar 4: Authentic Marketing You FEEL GOOD ABOUT!
This is where you share your gifts, your wisdom, knowledge, expertise, in what I call “Education-Based Marketing”. Learn the important skills, tools, and strategies in sending out emails, creating a newsletter, writing articles, communicating in Social Media Circles, and more. This is sooo not ‘sales-y’! …this is you genuinely sharing content, and when you come from this intention people feel and notice your authenticity!
Webinar 5: Models of Making Money that will Make You Happy!
HOW to GET OUT OF the Dollars For Hours Model in Your Healing or Healthcare Practice that is keeping you STUCK! Yes, you still do the work you do but you OFFER IT DIFFERENTLY (this is the Secret Sauce!)
The Model of Creating Packages is where your profits can soar! You will be given models, templates, processes, and case studies as to how this can work for you!
Webinar 6: Your OWN GRAND PLAN
This is Where You Personalize Your Money Model & Marketing PLAN
HOW to Design your Practice with a Model that you’ve chosen and how to create multiple streams of income from your passion. We will use this time together as a ‘Workshop’ where you will work and create and pull it all together!
Q & A Weeks
The two weeks between Webinar 6 and the Q & A teleseminar I will be active with you in your Private Facebook group to answer questions! (But don’t forget the conversations start immediately in your Facebook Group – as soon as the course starts!)
Q & A Teleseminar and Spot Coaching
This teleseminar is an opportunity for you to ask your questions that are specific to your own personal practice – and get some ‘laser spot coaching’ with your answers. This can be one of the most valuable parts of the program because most questions are universal and the group coming together can create a learning space that is powerful!
(Please note: All sessions are recorded and replays will be available if you can’t make the live events)
Webinar One: Wednesday, January 22 Webinar Two: Wednesday, February 5 Webinar Three: Wednesday, February 19 Webinar Four: Wednesday, March 5 Webinar Five: Wednesday, March 19 Webinar Six: Wednesday, April 9 Q & A Weeks: Wednesday April 9 through Wednesday April 23 Q & A Teleseminar: Wednesday, April 23
in Facebook Private Group
I hope to see you there!