Just like one of the first ‘Mind-Body’ Medicine books Love, Medicine, and Miracles teaches us to use the power of love and visualization to change our physicality (written by Oncologist Bernie Siegel MD who worked with cancer patients to visualize their cancer going away), I believe we can apply the same process to our businesses and practices to make them more successful and prosperous.
Our business and professional practice IS a body. It is a live, pulsing, entity with life force. We can use love and our mind to build the vitality of our work in the world.
As a Marketing Mentor and Coach for Wellness Professionals, I find that my work with clients is very similar to when I worked as a Holistic Nurse Healer.
We (coach and client) operate within a structured environment, create goals and set intention, allow the creative process to unfold while we implement a proven system, and witness what presents itself which I often refer to as ‘mini-miracles’.
We marvel and get excited about that ‘brand’ that emerges, or the name of their signature program and the ingenious way in which we come up with the marketing strategy, or how they package their services and modalities so that their clients have greater opportunity for healing and they have more professional stature and prosperity!
It is a Divine Process. It is about LOVE!
Here are some ways in which we can apply the Principles and Practices of Love and Healing to Marketing our business for prosperity:
–Creating a safe loving space for the creative forces to shine through to determine the ways in which this ‘body’ of work gets out to the world so more people can be helped
–Setting goals but then letting go of how it happens all while implementing the proven technique (doing the actual marketing work) and trusting that the highest level of return comes back
–Knowing that when we are connected to our purpose it is not us but the Divine working through us and if we get quiet enough and listen we can follow that inspiration
–We align with the Divine for the highest and the best for all parties concerned (professional and their client)
When we integrate the energy of love within the framework of proven practices and strategies, we can witness, and experience, miraculous outcomes!
Tags: marketing, marketing strategy
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