Cozy in the Convent

I LOVE staying in convents!

{Definition of convent: building occupied by society of nuns / monks / friars }

This past weekend I stayed in a Convent / Retreat Center. One of my Private Coaching Clients flew me out to Denver to present an all day marketing workshop to her instructors in her educational program.

I’ve stayed in several convents over the past 20 years to teach Healing Touch classes and other educational programs. Spiritual Centers like convents are wonderful places to teach ‘energy based healing work’.

The ‘energy’ in the convent this past weekend was pristine. Clear, balanced, harmonious. It was so evident to me how an environment like that leads to high level functioning – physically, mentally, emotionally, and – of course – spiritually.

Unless we are paying attention, it’s hard to realize how chaotic energy affects us (electromagnetics, media screens, traffic, noise) until we get out of that environment. I certainly had that experience this past weekend.

Although there was WIFI, it didn’t seem to negatively impact the environmental energy field. I think that is because of the lovely frequency of prayer and meditation that is ongoing in that facility.

An environment like this can lead to great productivity – which was definitely the case this past weekend. But it was truly the amazing women that made great things happen because they were:

–motivated to bring their great gifts to the world
–willing to shift their perspective
–open to step outside of their comfort zone
–expand their thinking to be open to prosperity in healing and moving away from ‘scarcity consciousness’
–align with the new paradigm of empowerment

Here is a photo of this wonderful group of women – look how Vibrant, Motivated, and Empowered they are!!

Here I am with Linda Smith and the Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy Instructors.

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