Did you know one of the fastest ways to increase your income is to change the model of HOW you offer your services?
Are you still offering your services, scheduling, and charging your clients by the hour?
Did you ever consider moving from the ‘hourly’ model to the ‘package model’?
This ‘idea’ is one of the ‘best known secrets’ in the coaching industry….’packages are the way to deliver services’ – and get paid a ‘nice chunk’ up front- or on a monthly basis.
And, with packages, your clients are likely to be more committed and have better outcomes. There is something to be said about a ‘container of time’ where a client feels their care is more assured.
This model can also be applied to other services and service providers – those of you in health care professions and healing arts with practices in:
–Holistic Nursing
–Healing Touch
–Integrative Medicine
Crafting and pricing packages is an art, so if you are considering this, it is best that you learn as much as you can before implementing this – get a good coach for yourself with a model already in place that you can learn from – and catch up on other tips to make your packages irresistible, such as:
–Find out what your clients want by surveying them, learn other things that you can include in your packages of services
–Make sure that you convey the value to them and the benefits that they get in real life situations (i.e. – decrease your stress so that you can feel less anxious when you………….)
–Supply them with ‘checklists’ and ‘how-to’s’ so what you are offering them will make it easier for them to get the results they want.
To learn more about Marketing Your Practices or Business for Nurses and Wellness Professionals – Get your Complimentary "Quick Start Marketing Kit" at https://www.marileetolen.com
Tags: increase your income, marketing your practices, wellness professionals
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